Exploring the Human Condition: altered states of consciousness

Archive for March, 2013

I simply cannot stop laughing, and crying, this little colt will be the Heart of a Nation. Thank you God! Thank you great Peoples! We are surely and truly blessed this day. It is a sign from God that He Knows.

Straight from the Horse's Heart

Source: NBC29.com

More than 8,000 people across 23 different countries enjoyed watching their first moments together via live stream.

A newborn horse in Louisa County is drawing attention from around the world.  Thousands of people tuned into a live stream Tuesday morning to watch its birth at Legacy Mustang Preservation.

The colt is believed to be the great grandson of Cloud – a stallion who has been featured in award-winning films. Now, this newborn is filling the shoes of his famous relative.

21810289_BG1Kelly, the colt’s mother, bonded with her newborn for the first time on Wednesday.  More than 8,000 people across 23 different countries enjoyed watching their first moments together via live stream. Some have been following the live stream since October, waiting for the colt’s birth.

“People are like, oh it’s like, thank you for bringing us into your barn,” said Jamie Dodson, founder of Legacy Mustang Preservation.

The Legacy Mustang…

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You can’t help but love this girl! And she always forces me to think! 🙂

For far too long we, the people, have let our internal governmental affairs run amok. If someone wanted to put a check for 10 grand in my hand, would I sell out my brothers, take the money and run, or do the right thing, support the lives and health of future generations…

Visualize, Realize

Being ever so blessed, I am compelled to write of my abundance. What am I talking about? The endless possibilities.

Patience seems again to be the lesson of the day. And hard work. Not being afraid to strain a little, break a sweat…

The interesting thing is that it’s all about the little things you can accomplish each and every day, that add up. Over time, you can look back over things, and go “wow, that’s really beautiful.”

Even though I feel like there should be more growing at this point, it is important to remember that one of the hard and fast rules of life is that you have to start somewhere. Even if it means the most teeny tiny of seeds, making the most miniscule of green seedlings. You have to learn to understand what it is they need, and provide it. Sort of a blending of energies, so to speak.

I put together two herb pots right by the front steps, and I must say, they are lovely. Little sprigs of this and that, one dedicated just for mints. This one does have a tiny sprig of chives that looks especially pretty. I guess you learn to appreciate the little things. Learning to enjoy the journey is now second nature. Sometimes I can sit still for long minutes just gazing upon one of my latest new plants, in awe and wonder.

The trick for me is not to project my vision of the end result, instead just be happy in the moment. When you’re dealing with plants, this business of time is their domain. As much as you try and listen to your plants, more often it only matters that you allow them. No fussing about necessary.

The only exception to this paradigm is the new rose bush. She is SOOO COOOL!!! I am keen to learn everything I can to keep her pampered and happy. To grow a rosebush anything like the ones back home in this near-desert-like environment would be something of a real miracle!!! (dreaming of heavy crepe blossoms of the most intense true pink…) but no pressure, pretty rosebush, just think of your new home like a spa, outside Santa Fe… and I am at your service…

Meanwhile, there is a flat with a variety of pepper seeds all dispersed for germination. I had a feeling my first try at seed-saving might not have a high yield, so I just threw everybody into the pool to see who would swim! So far, I have five fairly good-looking seedlings emerged, clearly all the same type of pepper, and the rest of the flat is still deciding… I did all this without grow lights, just by the grace of the sun, and bringing them in at night.

I have a closed Tupperware container on top of the refrigerator with 19 eucalyptus gunni seeds, which are basically microscopic. Also in this batch are a small handful of seeds from a grocery store orange, just to see what might be possible. A great deal of positive energy is being focused on all these players, these little seeds of life, some to be a tree someday, others to play out their destiny as my own personal culinary delight!

Of course, we won’t give much mention to the vast amount of work going on at my house into drying different herbs, natural home health techniques and remedies and the testing thereof…

The benefit of having time for ideas, the time to put them down on paper, and time to educate yourself ad infinitum…

My good friend in the Northland reminds me that we are all connected: man, bird, plant, seed, air, tree, hedge, soil, hedgehog… nothing is broken, we work naturally in a symbiotic relationship where all energy flows and all potential can be realized… even if you happen to be just a tiny little chili pepper, experiencing your first warm sunlight on a beautiful Texas afternoon…

It’s all okay, it’s all now, as this day is sweet and mild, tomorrow could be harsh and unforgiving, that is just the way of life. We cannot control, only adapt. It is the very key to survival. While I am here, I envision green energy infused with cool sweet rain; I remember the hugely romantic blooms of the pink azaleas from back home, the sweet sign of spring! While I am here may buds and blooms of every color be my keepers, with birds singing in every tree…

But if, for now, I must be patiently satisfied to stare at tiny leaflets, while secretly dreaming of quaint sturdy barns, a natural looking landscaped oasis, replete with running water, with fragrant blooms dancing pretty in the setting sun… then, ok. I can do that too!

“Slow down, ‘ya move too fast, got to make the mornin’ last…”

Lots of times we lose sight of the best part of us, deep down inside. So uncover that little kid you’ve got hiding inside, and enjoy a little silliness, courtesy of the beautiful and ever-loving Melody Johnson!

Lots of times we lose sight of the best part of us, deep down inside. So uncover that little kid you’ve got hiding inside, and enjoy a little silliness, courtesy of the beautiful and ever-loving Melody Johnson!

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EnergyWork & Bushra’s Gift

She was trying to understand. It had to do with feeling. All through her days, she had felt persecuted, misunderstood, and unappreciated. At this point all she wanted to do was communicate, and even that seemed very difficult. Yes, people might hear, but were the words actually getting through? Sadly, she thought, probably not.

There was always a rodeo over which activity took highest priority. So she began to explore the little things first, learning to be more open. Whenever she could sneak back to her room and grab a few quiet moments of rest, she would hope for a chance to read just a bit, before soon enough something or someone would distract her. It was a test at staying focused and to remember, and so soon she decided she would rely more heavily on the old ways.

For instance, she had always walked barefoot on the patch of earth where she lived. She had been reading that Mother Earth has energy we can use to balance our lives, which would lead us to living more healthy lives. Laughing to herself, she wondered why she wasn’t more balanced lately, and why she didn’t feel this energy.

One day she noticed how much the influence of the person she lived with directly affected her. One day she could control her response to negativity, and other times she felt like giving him a well-deserved verbal assault to bring him to his knees. This was when the real lessons began.

That particular morning, she was standing on the dry, sandy soil of her front yard, holding the water hose on shower, and giving the area a little badly needed water. Walking about slowly, with her senses wide open, she began to notice that where she had watered felt different under her feet. It felt almost like cool light coming through the center of each foot. Her toes began to curl around little green things covered in droplets, and even though she had no idea that her aura had turned a deep radiant blue, she realized she had made a subtle discovery.

Like a real epiphany, it dawned on her that this beautiful loving energy was always available, no need to suffer. All that was necessary was awareness and intention.

It explained a lot and it explained nothing at all. For instance, she wondered why she had a perfectly functioning mind, but found herself tending impossible gardens. Why were some people living in urban settings and sipping good wine while she was washing out a basin of kitchen towels off the back porch.

To counteract this anomaly she reached into the cool water and retrieved a small cotton shirt with a print of coastlines, oceans and maps. Then she reached into her pocket and pulled out a small brown bottle and began to infuse the fabric with the oil inside, a patchouli scent that always had a calming effect.

Tonight she would cut the dried fabric into new shapes to make a bag, because very soon was her little friend’s birthday, and this was to become her gift. Each stitch, each idea of style and functionality would all be considered as well as beauty and art. Only her sweet friend would know the good energy and love this gift could bestow.

That evening, as she drew little pictures and designs on the back of a used envelope, making the gift became far more fun and enjoyable than she had ever imagined. While hanging her fabric up to dry earlier, the man outside had wandered by and she asked him if he could smell the fragrant oil. Looking at her like she was out of her mind, he said, “Well, it’s strong, yes I can smell it! Girls used to wear way too much of that patchouli stuff!”

She could hardly hold back the laughter that filled her inside! Soon she’d be able to abandon another day’s chores and get back to her books. So many old ideas had brand new minds giving the old folks a hand up on this “energy work.” She planned to live several more decades. She wondered what new things she might learn tonight.


Of Heretherebespiders fame…

I Need

I need to howl. Like a lonely dog. Like a wolf looking for her pack.

I’m sitting outside, it is cold, it is breezy. Some of my fingers have turned white, bloodless, from the lack of circulation.

I don’t want to go inside.

I tilt my head to the sky. The black, moonless sky. There are only two stars strong enough, bright enough, to shimmer in the black.

Head back, looking up, throat exposed stretched grasping I feel the need to howl. To howl loud and long. Howl for the pain and the frustration.

I can not. I have neighbours who would not understand, would not appreciate my song of loss.

I bottle it in, again, still, until.

A few nights ago, sitting alone under a deep black sky full of bright stars, I felt a connectedness with someone, it was in my throat and my upper chest. I did not know who, or what, I might have thought I felt, or why, but I had one of those simple moments when the obvious stands out, and you go, “oh, that’s what it is…”

We are part and parcel of a great and ancient consciousness. And inherent inside each and every one of us, is the need to know. I firmly believe that it is a driving force of human nature, something that can never be denied. I have much gratitude to be alive and able to experience the unending source of information right here at my fingertips anytime I seek answers. But the magic really happens when something alive and raw, real and compelling, emerges naturally through this same usually flat and one-dimensional screen.

I do not know why the lovely and highly interesting Erynne in Ireland was so sad that night. But in her honest and very beautiful prose, there was an unexpected connectedness I immediately recognized. I have felt that very same way, more than once, I am sure. I felt her loss, I felt her pain. I felt like running to the top of the old drive-way on the backroad where a true portal exists above the railroad tracks, and raise my voice into the darkness, into the clouds with her.

Well, maybe I’ve been around animals far more than humans, or maybe when things get really tough, we all want to go back to our place, our real beginnings… or maybe our cries are joined in a chorus of angels that want nothing more than to lift us up from this sometimes dreadful place… I cannot say, but I was so struck by reading Erynne’s sweet song, of distress and despair, that in that knowing, that sharing, I found understanding, and strongly felt this connection.

It is not natural to hold in grief, nor is it a good idea for too long. We must let it in, and accept it. It does get better, never cured, but usually the need to know is met with some acceptance and understanding. Or maybe we never understand everything. But I find much solace just knowing that we all have these moments. We are all connected, everyone, and the journey can be long and hard. But even so, I am really really glad to have this chance, to know.

Of a Frog, her Eyes, & Karma

Yesterday I faced the front garden again, this time with what I call “the garden weasel.” I’m not sure on this name, but you get the idea. It is a crude but effective tool of different opposing parts all screwed to a shaft with oddly configured handles not unlike an auger device, except that it impales and rotates through the top layer of soil, and will continue downward, as you work.

Well, here I go, with a vigorous energy, as I contemplate just how long I am really going to be able to do this, when my friend Jim walks up, and offers to show me how this really should be done. Of course, he has the knack down, and he works it over the ground almost like a machine.

Suddenly something different pops up and lands thump in the soft soil, larger but not a rock, and upon looking, it had skin and I shout at Jim to stop. Then the creepy factor kicks in and I run back out of the garden, and back a little to see… “It’s a frog, it’s a frog!” I say, no longer sure how well Jim can really see anymore. She doesn’t move but only lays there very still.

He reaches down and scoops her up in his hand, dirt and all, and we place her over by the “oasis” which is just a small patio with a stainless steel water bowl. I look for a proper rock, and place one down in the bowl, because I know of many previous frogs who took the dive only to be trapped. This one is perfect, as I am sure if she comes for a drink, she can easily climb up on the rock to jump out.

Not being overly interested in amphibians, for once, this little frog was very interesting. She was snuggled down into the soil and the fresh compost just recently deposited into the front bed. She appeared to be asleep, with her legs all tucked in tightly to her body and she was covered in mud and quite the same color. She seemed to have no injuries from the terrible garden weasel implement, but she appeared to have one eye closest to me open half-way, which made her really cute and I was very glad she was okay.

I came back later to see if she was still there, and, like all frogs of the past, she was gone.


We are all connected. Please do not use poison ever. Mother Earth is alive, and we should all be stewards. It is one big way to make a difference and save the planet, her people and the animals. Don’t buy harmful chemicals. Support clean and green for all the right reasons!!!

First Light Productions

New super-toxic rat poisons are indiscriminately killing hawks, owls, eagles, foxes, bobcats, mountain lions and other non-targeted wildlife.

Developed with a longer half-life to overcome the resistance mice and rats have built up to older poisons, the new compounds being pushed by pesticide manufacturers have been wreaking havoc on the rodents’ natural predators.

The California Department of Fish and Game (CFG) has confirmed 240 cases of non-targeted wildlife being exposed to the anticoagulants that work by causing animals to bleed to death.

Wildcare animal hospital in San Rafael, California has found that 74% of the predators that come through its doors test positive for rat poison.

This includes the San Joaquin kit fox, the coyote, red fox, gray fox, black bear, badger, fox squirrel, mountain lion, bobcat, golden eagle, great horned owl, barn owl and turkey vulture.

CFG recently urged the California Department of Pesticide Regulation to restrict the sale…

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Amazing Austin

Spending my time late into last evening reading mostly about physics from the blog of a most outstanding man Robert, my mind is a bit of a jumble this morning. We are such precious little creatures, it takes a great effort on my part to go from tending my new tomato plants to studying the latest theories and explanations from brilliant minds in the field of physics. Just like “medicine,” physics is the label which encompasses many sub-fields and specializations, all being striking in their evolution. Yes, my little brain has to put forth some effort to sort the full implications of this information, but as in all things, you must examine the whole, to understand any part.

This morning’s routine was a welcome ritual with all sorts of fresh impressions. The window at the foot of my bed was left open intentionally last night as the temps were acceptable. But upon waking the sunshine was immediately evident since the past few days were very gray, yet the room felt like a brisk 55 degrees F and the curtains were moving in and out the side of the window with the wind… sunshine, wind and brisk air, time to get up.

I live with a roommate of about 13 years, give or take. You never know what you may find in the morning. Jim is a certified insomniac and now becoming an “old man.” Its a never-ending source of amusement. My bedroom is right off the kitchen which is something I do not like. But today as I entered the kitchen, it was nice and warm, (no windows were left open), and beans were on low in the crockpot. Nothing but beans, as he says he leaves the extras for me to add. He was fast asleep at 9:30 am with his heater on one notch, and his “smart” phone blasting out some sort of seriously electrical thunderstorm, over and over…

I open the front door and round up all the dogs. It sounds bad, but all together the pack consists of 4 very little guys and the brother and sister team of Aussie Shepherd mix Summer and Biscuit. There is a fenced backyard for the hounds where they spend their daytime, and the rat terrors and Sadie get run of the front. So now I have time to kick back with some coffee and the morning herb. In the morning, my back usually does not hurt. I may be a little stiff, but I can easily work that out. After this I’ll get dressed and go outside to do some stretching and poses in the sun. It’s Sunday morning and even though we have neighbors, there’s not a sound to be heard except the wind. I prefer to listen to the big trees talk. It’s sublime. Even the little highway a mile to the north is quiet. And the neighbor’s stupid rooster is blessedly silent!

It’s SXSW in Austin right now. The energy is palpable. So many of the best and the brightest are converged here like one never-ending major party. It used to be for musicians, but now they’ve got everything. It’s really huge. The wonderful Al Gore was a featured speaker, and I’m keen to listen to his speech today. I’m going to close this post with a small quote from it. I believe he tries hard to help people, to be a real leader. We all know what a lobbyist is, but the ramifications of the result goes straight to the core of reform. It’s important to know who and what is really running the show.

I hope you can find time to listen to his words today yourself, and that today we all do whatever we can to put things right here in our country and the world. Have a wonderful day, teaching children, playing with and training equine, building amazing technologies, doing whatever you do! Take care of yourself, the Earth, and each other. Here’s Mr. Gore, yesterday, at SXSW, in amazing Austin:

“American democracy has never been perfect, but more often than not, the will of the people did drive policy. Congress today is utterly incapable of passing any reform of any significance unless they get permission from special interests.”